Have you ever wondered why you makeup is coming off? Maybe you have an amazing skin routine, prep your skin well yet the makeup is still not looking right and is coming off during the day. Very frustrating I know…
I am here to help you crack this issue…
Do you know if your products are water or silicone based? If not I urge you to check your ingredients. Do not worry I will show you how to do this. The reason we need to check this is because if you are applying a water based product first then applying a silicone based foundation, the silicone has no where to go and will sit on top of the water based product, hence why your makeup comes off as the 2 ingredients fight against one another.
If you do not pair your products the makeup will slide off during the day and become uneven. Not what we want I know!!
My notes when researching the products I use so I can determine whether they are silicone or water based.